How long does it take to obtain Class I medical device registration with RZN in Russia?
Release time:2024-11-27 13:48:55 The author: source:
The process to obtain Class I medical device registration with Roszdravnadzor (RZN) in Russia typically takes around 2 to 3 months. This is a general timeline and can vary depending on the specifics of the application, completeness of documentation, and the workload at Roszdravnadzor at the time of submission.

The process to obtain Class I medical device registration with Roszdravnadzor (RZN) in Russia typically takes around 2 to 3 months. This is a general timeline and can vary depending on the specifics of the application, completeness of documentation, and the workload at Roszdravnadzor at the time of submission.

Key Stages in the Process:

  1. Preparation of Documentation (1-2 weeks):

    • This stage involves gathering and preparing all the necessary technical documentation, safety reports, and labeling information in compliance with Russian regulations. The time for this step depends on the availability and completeness of the required materials.
  2. Submission to RZN:

    • Once the application and documentation are ready, the submission is made to Roszdravnadzor either through their online system or directly. The submission can take a few days to process on your side.
  3. RZN Review and Evaluation (4-6 weeks):

    • Roszdravnadzor will review the submitted documents to ensure compliance with Russian regulations. This stage usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks, during which RZN may request additional information or clarifications.
  4. Issuance of Registration Certificate (1-2 weeks after approval):

    • After a successful review, RZN will issue the registration certificate. The time for certificate issuance typically takes 1 to 2 weeks following the approval.

Factors That Can Affect the Timeline:

  • Completeness and Accuracy of the Application: If there are errors or missing information, RZN may request revisions or additional documentation, which could delay the process.
  • Regulatory Changes: Any updates to Russian regulations or technical standards may result in delays, especially if they affect the requirements for the device.
  • RZN Workload: The review time might vary depending on the number of applications Roszdravnadzor is handling at a given time.


On average, obtaining Class I medical device registration with Roszdravnadzor takes about 2 to 3 months, assuming all documentation is complete and no complications arise during the review process.


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